Holding device

GESER holding device for Y-pieces for secure and tension-free welding of Y-pieces

  • Solid, torsion-free, very robust device made of galvanized steel
  • Fast, secure and tension-free locking of the Y-piece and the tubes
  • Movement during the welding process is reliably prevented and thus a DVS-compliant weld is achieved
  • Incorrect welding of the sensitive Y-pieces is now a thing of the past
  • available for 32-32-40 and 40-40-50 Y and YS pieces
  • Suitable for the following manufacturers: Aliaxis, Frank, GF & Plasson

GESER UNIVERSAL holding device for secure and stress-free welding of 45° and 90° sockets and angles

  • Solid, torsion-free, very robust device made of galvanized steel
  • Fast, secure and tension-free locking of the socket or elbow and pipes
  • Movement during the welding process is reliably prevented and thus a DVS-compliant weld is achieved
  • Faulty welds on the fittings are now a thing of the past
  • Available for sockets, long sockets and elbows 45° / 90° 32-40-50
  • available for 32-32-40 and 40-40-50 from
  • suitable for the following manufacturers: